Simplify your life and let STORAGE be an extension to your overflowing wardrobe, making your life clutter-free. Of course, a streamlined wardrobe offers more benefits than simple beauty. It saves time in the morning (and sometimes, the evening), reduces stress and frustration, and saves money. A special pleasure is reserved for those who look in their closets and love everything they see.
We can help you streamline your wardrobe. You can store your seasonal clothing and less frequently worn items in our secure, clean, state-of-the-art storage facilities across London without fear of humidity or moisture. If you want to help to declutter your wardrobe and to thin out your closet, look no further than our on-demand storage service. Our approach is flexible and stress-free from the comfort of your home.
Space is valuable, so why not store your winter clothing, summer clothing, or less frequently worn items until needed? You can request to have them delivered. Take what you need; the rest will be returned to our storage facility. Rotate between groups as often as you like and live a clutter-free life.
How does it work? Declutter Your Wardrobe With Storage.
1/ We assess your wardrobe by working closely with you to determine and group what items you like to store, organize and group your seasonal clothing into Autumn, Winter, and Summer.
2. We supply the right boxes and packaging, including wardrobe boxes with hanging rails, shoes, and boxes for folded cloth.
3/ We colour-coded, labelled, and tagged with your name and a brief description of items in an inventory, which you will receive a copy of.
4/ Working with you closely to determine what items of clothing you will like to store and rotation frequency..
Remember, it is on-demand. You can request that any of your stored items be delivered straight to your door at any time, and when you do, we collect and return them to our storage facilities. Is that simple?
Getting Started is Easy; here are a few steps to follow
Check your wardrobe.
Look at your clothes and evaluate which ones you wear the most, the least, or not. Donate the clothes you haven’t worn in a year or more and anything that no longer fits. If an item is severely damaged, throw it out.
Decide what to store.
When organizing your belongings, consider the seasonal and usage frequency factors to make informed decisions about what to keep in your closet and what to store using Pick&Move’s convenient On-demand storage solution.
Organize hanging garments by type and colour.
Blouses come in various styles and colours. When organizing blouses in your closet, you can group them first by sleeve length, such as long sleeves, short sleeves, or sleeveless. After that, you can further organize them by colour or shade, making it easier to see all your options at once when putting together an outfit.
Choose the right hanger.
For a neater closet appearance, consider using only one type of hanger, be it wood, wire, or plastic.
Set up zones.
A low rod holds tops and skirts, eye-level pole dresses, and a high bar, shirts, and suits. A high shelf works fine for out-of-season shoes and sweaters.
. Arrange folded items.
Sure, here is the rewritten text:
Get a garment bag.
A sturdy canvas garment bag protects fine suits, dresses, and jackets better than plastic. (Leather, in particular, is susceptible to drying and even cracking if kept in plastic.)
Any clothing that is prone to stretching should be folded over hangers. When organizing folded clothing to be stored on shelves, place heavier items at the bottom of the pile and lighter ones at the top. After folding, arrange garments by function (e.g. workout tops together, business tops together) and then by colour (from white to nude to bright colours to black). If your closet doesn’t have shelves, consider using part of your clothing rod for hanging canvas shelves
Deal with dry cleaning.
As soon as you arrive home, take the clothes out of the dry-cleaning bags and hang them on appropriate hangers. Then, return the wire hangers to the dry cleaner for reuse.
Manage odds and ends.
Store bags, belts, ties, scarves, and other accessories in plain sight on hooks or racks, which can be attached to the inside of your closet door.
Contain what doesn’t hang.
Use containers—consider a matching set of baskets—to hold accessories and clothing that can’t be hung, such as socks and undergarments. Smaller baskets or boxes can store a single type of accessories, such as scarves or hats.
Pick a system for storing shoes.
Here’s the revised text for improved clarity and proper grammar:
Consider the following options for shoe storage: a shoe rack on the floor, a hanging shoe organizer, see-through plastic boxes, or original shoeboxes with photographs attached to identify the contents. Store shoes that are not worn frequently in labelled plastic boxes on a high shelf, in another closet, or under your bed.